The Hauck Sport Stroller boasts to be a lightweight and cost effective option for parents. We put it through its paces to see whether it was as sporty as its name suggests…..
Quick Summary: This is a budget friendly stroller with some nice features - it is lightweight and folds easily. For occasional use or a holiday then it could be just what you are looking for. However for everyday use with an older toddler, you may find the ride less smooth than some of its rival strollers at a similar price point.
Whats good?
- Budget Friendly
- Decent Raincover
- Lightweight - 5.9kg
- Easy to fold and unfold
- Large Basket
Whats not so good?
- Plasticky wheels
- Basket impossible to get to with the seat reclined
- Foam handle - thin and foam moves
- Hard to push with an older toddler on board

When I opened the Hauck Sport stroller I was struck at how unsporty it looked, given its name! I am not sure which came first - the design of the stroller or the name of the stroller but I can’t help but think the name tags got mixed up when they started manufacturing this stroller.
There is no arguing that the price tag in the Hauck Sport Stroller is good. At less than £90 RRP but generally on offer it appears for around £60, it is a budget friendly option for a lot of people. Although one of the cheaper strollers we have reviewed, there are some elements that really impressed us.
The first thing to note is that for a stroller it has a really decent sized basket that is very accessible from the back when the seat is in the upright position, however on the flip side when in the reclined position the basket is unfortunately hardly accessible at all which would annoy most parents. The basket also is suitable for up to 3kg of luggage, rather a small load considering the size of the basket so make sure that you do not overfill it!
The Hauck Sport Stroller is suitable from birth, an element missing from many strollers which are often suitable from 6 months, however the harness is quite high up even at it’s lowest setting so for a newborn I would be concerned it would cut across their face. The recline is an infinite strap recline - simple to recline but more tricky to get up if you have a heavier toddler inside. There is also an adjustable calf rest and removable bumper bar, making this basic stroller less basic than you might think.

The Hauck Sport Stroller is suitable for children up to 15kg, a relatively low weight limit nowadays as some go up to 22kg. There is a basic five point harness with thin shoulder comfort pads but none around the crotch.
I really like the fold of the Hauck Sport Stroller - simply pull the triggers on either side of the stroller and it simply folds over.
There is a manual locking feature on one side to keep it closed when carrying the stroller. It is small enough to fit in most boots and light enough to easily move where required (5.9kg). To unfold, take off the lock and simply flick forwards - it really is simple!
I tried the stroller with a newborn and it pushed OK but once I tried with a toddler, it wasn’t the smoothest to push and kerb popping was tricky. With it’s plasicky wheels, it didn’t push great and was unfortunately rather rattly. The Hauck Sport has a non-adjustable handle which is very thin (helps it to be lightweight) and covered in foam. I found that the foam moved on the handle and would be concerned that it would not last the life of the stroller.
The brake is operated by your foot - either left or right and is located next to the rear wheels. Press down with your toe to activate and flip up with your toe to disengage - be warned though it is not particularly flip flop friendly!

The Hauck Sport does include a raincover which is great - not only is it included but it is pretty decent too and will do the job it is designed for. It is easy to fit and completely covers the child and the buggy. You can also wash the raincover by hand should you need to.
This is a budget friendly stroller with some nice features - it is lightweight and folds easily. For occasional use or a holiday then it could be just what you are looking for. However for everyday use with an older toddler, you may find the ride less smooth than some of its rival strollers at a similar price point.