Finding a pushchair for two can be hard enough, but for three babies of the same age it is even harder!
Quick Summary: Many parents opt for a single and double pushchair when pushing twins, or even pushing a double and wearing one baby. But on some occasions you might need a triple pushchair and there are a few fab ones on the market.

We love the Peg Perego Triplette Triple Pram for example. It allows for all three babies to be forward or world-facing all at the same time. You can even use the Triplette chassis with car seats as a travel system to make your life that little bit easier.
Umbrella strollers are a great option for triplets as they fold down into a smaller package and are more transportable if you need to pop them in a car or use them on transport. The o’Baby Mercury Triplet Stroller is a great three-in-a-row option for your triplets and the seats recline fully too, making it suitable from newborn. By attaching some cosy footmuffs to the seat unit, your triplets can stay snug and safe from day one all the way up to their toddler days.
The Trends For Kids Joggster Trio Twist is also a great option for triplets. It does everything that a double buggy does whilst managing to pop three little bottoms on comfortable seats. The trio Twist also allows you to use three carrycots to have newborn triplets facing you.