Hi, I'm Louise, 29, mummy to Abigail, 9, Thomas, 6, and awaiting our new addition Arthur to arrive 26th October by c-section with my husband Davy ;) Very exciting times!! We live in Basingstoke, Hampshire and are a very outgoing, busy family. Normally a full time working mum, I am in the lucky position to have the next 12 months off due to maternity leave and a supportive husband and workplace. This gives me great opportunity to enjoy some great times with my family and to put the Giggle through its paces in many different situations, including baby groups, walking the school runs and fun days out with the older cherubs.
Quick Summary: The giggle has mostly been a delight and as time has crept on we have seen more and more being purchased by fellow mummies and daddies. With it's eye catching design with thick fleecy inserts that are not only attractive but comfortable the giggle has provided a solution to everything. Infant car seat, carry cot for napping and also for camping trips!!
Whats good?
- Comfortable for baby and covers every situation
- Cost effective for new mums
- Bright and attractive
Whats not so good?
- The catch to release the pushchair doesn't always fully secure
- The straps get easily twisted
- Foam handle isn't suited to everyone
Table of contents
- First Impressions
- 7th November 2012
- 8th November 2012
- November 15th 2012
- November 25th 2012
- December 11th 2012
- December 13th 2012
- December 19th 2012
- December 25th 2012
- December 27th 2012
- January 7th 2012
- January 22nd 2013
- February 18th 2013
- February 18th 2013
- February 19th 2013
- February 20th 2013
- February 22nd 2013
- March 10th 2013
- March 18th 2013
- March 21st 2013
- March 27th 2013
- March 30th 2013
- March 31st 2013
- April 6th 2013
- April 26th 2013
- April 26th 2013
- April 27th 2013
- April 30th 2013
- May 1st 2013
- May 11th 2013
- May 12th 2013
- May 25th 2013
- June 1st 2013
- June 5th 2013
- June 14th 2013
- June 22nd 2013
- June 25th 2013
- July 1st 2013
- August 7th 2013
- August 14th 2013
- August 21st 2013
- September 1st 2013
- Conclusion
First Impressions

Five days and two exciting deliveries! First Oscar Alexander born 26/10/12 our newest addition to the family and secondly the Cosatto Giggle to be tested and reviewed by Oscar and me, mummy. Imagine our excitement when three days after returning home a knock on the door presented the gorgeous Treet Cosatto Giggle, two boxes containing everything a new mum could need! Now to get opening…..
Opening the boxes it becomes clear to see why this travel system is called a giggle, bright beautiful colours, next to no building required (wheels and bumper bars only), and everything you could possibly need!! Frame/chassis, pushchair forward or back facing, carrycot, car seat, cosy toe, changing bag and rain cover! All colour coordinated all a pleasure and a giggle to open! Here is hoping it’s as comfortable for Oscar as it looks to travel in and for me to use day to day.
7th November 2012

Meet the Giggle carrycot. Completely colour coordinated, many have commented on the unusual design and the fact that it is fresh and funky. The cot aspect is nice and deep and has a mattress in it for oscar to lie on, slightly concerned about how warm it is within the carrycot with the cover on top so have added a blanket for goodwill given that it is winter and bitterly cold, however would imagine this not to be necessary in summer. Easy clip in to place on the frame and to remove it is a simple button on either side release, the only advice I’d give on this is if like me you have had a section or any form of stitches or are shorter than 5ft 9 it is better to detach whilst standing at the hooded end as it is easier to get a handle on the carrycot and depending on the weight of your baby will depend on whether you can manage this and keep baby asleep whilst they remain in the carrycot. The carrycot gives more than great space for Oscar to stretch out whilst still in full sight. The hood covers fully therefore no prospect of wind blowing around his cheeks or of the sunshine getting in his eyes. Now to test run it…..
8th November 2012

Today’s adventure takes us on the school run, dry but cold weather and great for a walk out without overdoing it. We selected the carrycot to take us on this journey, with the hood up it provides great protection from the chill factor and keeps Oscar completely protected from the elements. Surprised at how easy the carrycot is to click into place, although initially worried that it wasn’t secure once moving I soon realised this was an overprotective mummy perception and not a fault of the Giggle. The mattress in the giggle appears more than comfy with Oscar managing the ups and downs of the pavements and kerbs without much fuss. I’ve heard that with three wheelers they can be unsteady when going up and down the kerbs but the giggle handles this nicely with no concerns about tipping or balancing incorrectly. A successful first school run accompanied by the Giggle and Oscar.
November 15th 2012

Today we met Santa or many Santas whilst completing the Santa jog in aid of the British heart foundation. For us it was more of a stroll particularly as the Giggle isn’t designed to be a pushchair to be jogged or exercised (beyond walking with) and you can tell, beautiful to push for a stroll and getting around but pick up the pace on uneven ground and it becomes an uncomfortable journey for baby and push for parent.
November 25th 2012
Whilst out walking today the weather turned and we were confronted by grey skies and rain. Thankfully tucked away in the bottom of the Giggles shopping basket comes a raincover that appears to be one size fits all.
Today we are using the pushchair, once opened it is easy to slot into place with Velcro ties to fasten around various parts of pushchair as required. Plenty of air allowed to circulate without getting Oscar wet and without steaming up. Excellent addition for a accessory that is included at no extra cost.
Having now been testing the giggle for over a month and having now ventured out with the hubby in the car we have found something that isn’t so positive and that is the size of the pushchair when folded. The frame folds down and is quite slim but very long, and is awkward to lift in and out of the car due to the length, add to this you have to factor in additional boot space for the carrycot or pushchair which doesn’t fold down with the frame and has to be stored separate and unless you have a sizeable boot you are going to be limited on how much space you will have left.

We have managed to work around this by using a bungee strap to secure the frame on its side to the back of the boot having removed parcel shelf and this allows adequate space for other items but if you are a driver and have a slightly smaller car, check out your boot size before purchasing and how you can make it work for you as it is a great piece of equipment but wouldn’t want you to get caught out because it doesn’t fit in your boot.
December 11th 2012
Oscar has decided that he has taken a dislike to his moses basket however he loves the Giggle Carrycot. Not only is it in the Giggles trademarks colours and design but it is sturdy, strong and has a comfy mattress on which he can take a nap happily. Not only is the carrycot admired by all when out and about on the chassis of the pushchair but it fits perfectly onto the moses basket frame. The one part which confuses me is the addition of the bumper bar over the carrycot and its necessity, you have to clip it on and off to get baby in and out and when he is old enough to sit up, he will be too big for the carrycot, however Oscar is a chunky monkey, so this may not be the case for every young bubba. A great carrycot that is included in the price of the overall package, that provides solutions for many situations.
December 13th 2012

Today’s visit took the family to a Victorian Christmas event at Portsmouth Dockyards and due to the length of time Oscar would need to be in the pushchair we selected the pushchair part of the Giggle to accompany us out for the day. Oscar had been suffering reflux so being able to sit him up and keep him warm after his feed is an essential component to the success of our day out. The pushchair comes with a beautiful colour and design coordinated footmuff/cosytoes which is guaranteed to keep Oscar warm in windy and cold temperatures. The pushchair sits in a number of positions dependent on age and size of baby as to which one you wish to use. It has an amazing harness in it with shoulder pads that keep Oscar more than comfortable. I must say out of all of the components of the pushchair there isn’t one I can find many negatives over including this one.
December 19th 2012
Today mummy took me Shopping to the toy shop to buy Santa presents for my older brother and sister. I didn’t really understand Christmas this year but next year I will do and then mummy will make sure Santa comes for me 😉 Mummy used the giggle with pushchair element as it faces mummy whilst I’m small and let’s me stretch out and see around me. I’ve already moved into 6-9 month clothes and I am only 2.5 months so it’s important that I can stretch out when on longer shopping trips and the pushchair gives me space and keeps me secure.
December 25th 2012

Santa visited!! And he brought me a present of a soft bunny he is my favourite. Christmas day was very crazy and as mummy cooked a lot one of the only places I could chill out was in my giggle car seat snuggled with my bunny 😉 mummy says it great having so many different parts of the giggle included as it covers every occasion.
December 27th 2012
Tonight we are going to a carol concert and mummy thinks its funny to dress me as a reindeer!! I like the car seat, I’ve outgrown the head hugger now but the seat is deep and comfy and the shoulder straps have padded attachments to stop the straps hurting.
January 7th 2012

My daddy is from Northern Ireland and as I have many relatives over there mummy decided it would be good for the two of us to fly over and visit them all.
As part of our trip mummy felt it would be extremely important for us to visit Harrods in Gatwick. My first official and probably only trip but the little green bag was worth it.
Whilst we were at the airport mummy got stopped on two occasions to ask where my pushchair came from, she even had a pen and paper and wrote it down for them… they seemed really happy having it written down so they could look it up when they get home. Would appear my Giggle is still having a huge impact and people are loving it 😉
January 22nd 2013

Finally I get some snow and not just a dribble but a lot!! Even though Christmas is past mummy even found some Christmas trees for me to have my Photo taken for pushchair trader review.
So the question… How did the giggle manage in the snow, ice and sludge?? Surprisingly well not what we expected at all. The giggle handled the snow comfortably and pushed through without causing any disruption, we noticed that a number of other mummies with other pushchair makes and models struggled with the snow even having to drag their little ones on two wheels backwards in order I get up the path!! Nothing like that for me.. All three wheels on the floor solidly and safely and no pushing issues for mummy. The iced sludge created hard ruts and that was a bit bouncy for Oscar but that isn’t surprising really as it would be like pushing over potholes. Mummy was concerned about the sludge making a dirty mess of the wheels and chassis but the frame is easily wiped down with a wet cloth leaving no smears or marks.
Overall a surprisingly good result for snowy weather 😉

February 18th 2013
So what do you get with the Giggle? Amongst other things an amazing colour and design coordinated changing bag. Within it are two pockets a deep zip up pocket and a side deep pocket. Within the side pocket is a strap with a clip on the end. To this clip you can attach dummies or keys or both! For me who hasnt recovered from baby brain yet this is brilliant! I forever lose my keys and as for dummies I seem to buy hundreds and lose them! This is great as I know they should always be there.
February 18th 2013
So this week we have had half term one bambino and three between the ages of 6-9, hard work is one way of explaining it!!!! The weather has been tremendously cold but we still managed a day out to the woods. How did the giggle cope? Well obviously not as well as a vehicle with suspension however all in all it didn’t far too bad, managed to work its way through the mud very nicely and without spraying the person pushing the pushchair (always a bonus). It managed to move over the roots without much hassle and up and down the hills quite lightly, although the basket underneath isnt the biggest, deepest or the strongest. Not only did the items contained within it get filthy dirty but the coats wouldn’t stay in there as kept falling out the sides and the basket isnt sufficiently big enough to hold all of the childrens coats in anyhow. Hey ho, they will have to carry their coats in future 😉
February 19th 2013
Day two of half term and what do we have here? Trip to a local indoor play area… thank fully the car seat is fully portable and is designed in such a way that when on level surface it rocks sufficiently to persuade the tiny cherub to go to sleep. It must be comfy in there because even with the loud and craziness surrounding Oscar he has still managed to fall asleep in his car seat next to me! Proving that the giggle can to date cope with almost anything thrown at it! The hood on the car seat pulls right over protecting his tiny face from the light, allowing it to seem a little darker and the deep seat is fully padded ensuring a comfortable sleep whilst in there. Happy days I can now have a cuppa whilst the bigger angels (Devils) run around for the next two hours 😉
February 20th 2013
It suddenly occurred to me that two days after our woodland walk it may be appropriate to clear all the mud off of the wheels on the giggle. The giggle is so simple that you literally unclip the wheels and they come off, and can then be washed and dried and made to sparkle (well the front wheel) anyhow once again. Clip them back into place and away you go! Easy peasy 😉 One would never know that we had been tramping around the woods for a couple of hours two days ago! Wish it were this easy to clean the backs of my car seats from the childrens feet after a woodland walk, but then you cant have everything in life!
February 22nd 2013

Let me introduce you to a little life saver. Something ingenious that the boffins at Cosatto decided to include within the changing bag. Friday, the last weekday of half term and therefor a day packed with a wide range of activities and whats does my tiniest cherub decide to do… provide me with an exploding poo. One of those ones that covers every item of said cheruubs clothing… thankfully I am one of these mummies that carries changes of clothes and normally nappy bags… but not today…imagine my concern at having no way appropriate to put a really bad nappy, vest and outfit that can keep the contents secure with minimal smell and no risk of damaging changing bag of further clothing. Whilst going through the bag to look for another option I come across the little plastic wallet / folder that is contained at the bottom of the bag, big enough to contain nappy, wipes, vest and sleepsuit, keep it zipped up, keep the smell in and then able to be fully cleaned out and disinfected on return home 😉 Big enough for all of that and re-useable after thorough cleaning… yet another win Cosatto 😉
March 10th 2013
Mummy ha noticed that as I get bigger I require even more stuff with me – weaning pots and spoons and yet more bibs and changes of clothes for when I make a complete mess! The Giggles changing bag has an adjustable strap which we love because it means mummy can carry it on her shoulder if it is a quick trip out, or adjust the strap to make it longer to hang over the handle if a longer trip out – saving her carrying it all day long.

March 18th 2013
Mummy is quite getting into the swing of ladies who lunch, and what is lovely is the car seat keeps me safe and secure and allows me to keep eye contact and a visual at all awakened times. The car seat slots into some amazing places and the things I see are amazing! Plus Im nice and comfy in here an I can be rocked, entertained or even sleep if I get a little bored or cranky.
March 21st 2013
This big boy pushing the Giggle is my 6 year old brother Tom. He enjoys pushing it as the handle is adjustable so he can change it to his height, it has three different positions depending on how you prefer to have the handle, and it is covered in the protective padding, but it isnt a cheap one at all (some of them can feel like cheap foam but not this!) Tom likes to push me home from school – he isnt quite tall enough to see over the top, but as you can see this road has lots of potholes and stones and he is small enough to see these and likes to pretend I am a racing car as he drives around them. The stones arent the comfiest ride in the world – however I am well padded in here so it could be much much worse!
March 27th 2013

Have you ever noticed that as part of my pushchair I get two cosatto shoulder strap protectors – one side has cosatto in it, and the other is a beautifully padded and fleecy material in the same colour as the main design of the Giggle! It means that if the straps get twisted I am still comfy but we can tell almost immediately because the word – Cosatto- isnt facing outwards! It doesnt phase me which way they are facing as long as I am comfortable and yes I am comfortable.
March 30th 2013
Today the sunshine came out – it was still very cold but a little sunshine is all we need to head out – and what better than an Easter egg hunt at a big old castle! Around the castle are grassy hills – soggy grassy hills, now whilst the Giggle copes very well with soggy grass, doesnt sink too quick, doesnt spray mud behind on mummy, it doesnt however like soggy grass being travelled at an angle on a hill, in this case four wheels would be better than three! However we kept a firm hand and all was fine, and this wouldnt be a downside for the Giggle alone but I defy any 3 wheeler to manage it 😉 Not long till Easter egg time.
March 31st 2013
Why the big smile? It is Easter and I got some buttons! Isnt that a good enough reason to smile? Today we are off to church so mummy will take me in my Giggle with car seat so that she can fold the frame down at the back and tuck it away but keep me comfortably on the seat beside her whilst we listen to the nice music.
April 6th 2013
Did you know that with every Giggle you get a 4 year guarantee? In my opinion this is great as at the age of 4 I would hope Oscar no longer requires the pushchair! A pushchair that is meant to last the entirety of tiny bubbas pushchair years and should there be any problems you get a UK contact number with a real person to speak too - thumbs up from this end.
April 26th 2013
Washing instructions- have you noticed that black shows everything?!? The good news is that there are specific washing instructions for all parts of the pushchair and each part, car seat, carry cot and pushchair. Having removed the lining and straps from the car seat - I m glad to say that if you follow the washing instructions and make sure it is brushed down before washing it will come out fresh as a daisy.
April 26th 2013

Oscar is now 6 months and a long chunk! When stripping back the car seat for washing I realised there are two different height adjustments for the straps - the lower for the baby baby months and the upper for the bigger baby times. I found the straps quite tricky to remove and change the height setting on the car seat, however on the pushchair it was much easier and less fiddly.
April 27th 2013
The Giggle Changing Bag - I find the adjustable strap a god send! I can lengthen it and wear it like a messenger bag without placing too much stress on my back and I can shorten it and have it over the handle of the pushchair.

The only thing I would say is it wont fit in the shopping basket under the pushchair unless you have minimal items in it and you squish it in.. I however prefer it over the handle most of the time then I can see it.
April 30th 2013
With the sunny days coming along we had debated whether or not to purchase a parasol, however on further inspection it becomes apparent that the hood on the pushchair element folds further down than most other pushchairs and this works as a sufficient sun shade (well to avoid the sun getting in Oscars eyes). Handy little extra we thing ;)
May 1st 2013
May is a busy month for our family. This month no exception we have 3 birthdays and a baptism to contend with. It is important for everything to look the best it can so today we are putting the Giggle to the washing test. Instructions are easy and clear to read and the good thing is the changing bag and insert for the pushchair are easily changed inside out. I did find that he colder wash didn't wash as nicely as I would've hoped but then a second wash and attention to the problem areas care of vanish cured this and we have a once again pristine changing bag and pushchair seat :)
May 11th 2013

We like going on our trips out and so far we have been to the beach, the rainforest, cinema, swimming, baby groups all over the place! After we had washed all the parts of the pushchair seat we realised that it actually has a bit of a sporty twist and the pushchair when upright is a bucket seat!! This means I learn to sit up properly and not slouch and that whatever position I can tell our other friends that our pushchair is a sporty model. One of the perks of this type of seat is that as I get bigger there is more space for oscars bottom to fit in than the average pushchairs meaning it should last well into his toddler years!
May 12th 2013
And so the time has come when Oscar has become too big for the car seat with legs hanging over the bottom and head over the top and weighing 24lbs it is officially tight to get him in and out. Most infant carriers will last until 9 months but Oscar is a chunky baby and you might just get him in but you won't be able to lift him ;) I feel another Cosatto seat coming on, as with the Giggle bright beautiful and fun :)
May 25th 2013
So today we venture to the beach on the Isle of Wight. We have opted for pushchair component alone to minimise fold space for the hovercraft. Unfortunately even with pushchair forward facing on frame the fold isn't particularly small when compared with a stroller however the giggle is designed to be fresh bright and funky and more importantly comfortable not a small fold. Thankfully the hold on the hover was big enough to get the giggle in and it came out intact and with the flick of a catch it is up and open and ready to go ;)
June 1st 2013
All the fun of the fair.... Even as he gets bigger, the Giggle still provides a really comfy secure environment for Oscar to snuggle up to his new teddy whilst his elder siblings go on the rides ;) and even now 8 months in we are still getting admiring looks and questions of where did you get that pushchair from? Happy days.
June 5th 2013
What is the bright globe in the sky - an unknown phenomenon for the UK most of the time....... The nice thing about the Giggle is the choice of colours, I have noticed that unlike my previous pushchairs the colours don't allow the material to heat up and retain the heat to the point where it is burning to touch. Although the handle is black, it is made of a foam material which warms but doesn't get too hot, and also allows for hot hands to relax. The Giggle is certainly providing a better option in this heat - cool to look at, cool for Oscar to sit in, extra long extending hood that works as a sunshade and three different positions to put the pushchair in to avoid further sun. Additional bonus is if the sun is behind you, you can turn the pushchair part to forward facing, and vice versa, therefore ensuring the tiny one always avoids having the sunshine in direct contact.
June 14th 2013
With the sunshine being out, we are certainly doing more walking, and this means the Giggle is in use almost every day. It has covered a lot of terrain and hasn't been fazed by much. The wheels are still solid and in good condition, and a wash down brings them up beautifully again. No chips or dents which is even better, I am sure with the inflatable tyres that you can be left with flats and punctures on occasion and that must be really tricky if happening at the wrong time! Also nice is that the frame is handling the moving around, still in great condition and aside from the front joint to the front wheel there appears to be no other signs of wear and tear. To be honest who looks at the front joint it still looks brand new and the front joint is only from where we put it on the floor getting it out of the car, and it has been scratched a tiny bit.
June 22nd 2013
Today we went camping, the nice thing is that the Giggle is very comfy and due to the bucket seat nature of it, it works well as a seat and I have found you can easily feed and pull it up to a table where Oscar can then help himself and eat away to his hearts content. It helps to reduce the amount of equipment we have to take. Downside is the Giggle does take up a lot of boot space and certainly doesn't fit behind the seats in the car so that means we have to limit what we take anyhow, but it's all good.
June 25th 2013
Getting out and about more, I notice a problem and that is how un-pushchair friendly places are, especially restaurants and shops! Whilst Oscar can now go in a high chair, due to the not so small fold of the Giggle we often have to leave the pushchair outside the front of places, and we have even bought a bike lock to attach it, as we don't want anyone disappearing with this beauty! And shops that have floor displays that leave about enough space for a size 0 model to squeeze through, but not enough for normal people let alone a pushchair doesn't always help.
July 1st 2013
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Well a slightly delayed six month summary, but a summary none the less
The Good..
- It's a great looking pushchair that is bright and beautiful and that everyone comments on
- Easy cleaning of frame and material components
- It is a solid pushchair and can handle most terrains and weather conditions.
- Easy fold.
- One big handle to make it easy to do the one handed push ;)
- Height adjustable handle
- Easy braking system.
- Solid wheels - no reliance on puncture kits
- Big pushchair hood that protects the tiny one from the sunshine very well.
- Lots of easily changed components i.e carrycot/car seat/pushchair and aside from the car seat it comes with all the accessories you could possibly want or require.
The Bad............
- Two part fold. It does therefore take up more space but then it wouldn't have as many options.
- The shopping basket is tiny and doesn't securely hold items.
- If you are tall, you accidentally put the brake on a lot when you are walking.
- The recline push buttons gets stuck and you have to give it a whack to get it fully to move.
- It is a big fold down and takes up a lot of space.
The Ugly.......
- Nothing ugly about the giggle ;)
August 7th 2013
Imagine the shock when shopping in Chichester to walk past not 1, not 2 but 3 Cosatto Giggles all in one place! Us parents certainly had a giggle, but given that the Cosatto Giggle has won a Which? Best Buy Award we are not in the slightest bit surprised. 10 months after beginning to review this amazing and bright system there are some bright positives and these are recognized with this award. As with anything there are always a few negatives but the reviews and awards acknowledge this and still rate it the best!
August 14th 2013
Summer holiday fun - Camping for starters - We have found that Oscar prefers to sleep in the giggle than a travel cot, if he falls asleep in the giggle and we put him in the travel cot, or he is simply getting tired he crawls to the giggle to cosy up! Just goes to show that even when bigger and a little older they still find the Giggle comfortable enough for sleep, but then given the removable padding that matches the hood, this doesnt surprise us. The only downside we have found with the colour of the Giggle is that in the heat of summer it attracts the flies, however this is quickly remedied with a muslin or insect net to stop any getting at the bubba, however this would'nt deter us from choosing a Giggle again in future!
August 21st 2013
School shopping for older siblings is trying at the best of times, but the shopping basket on the Giggle doesnt lend a hand, and with the one bar handle there is no where for bags to securely go, which is a shame as I like to shop. Multiple trips to the car it shall be, however I need the exercise and the Giggle is a beauty to push and be admired so one mustn't grumble ;)
September 1st 2013
So September is here and so is the rain! Just as well the Giggle comes with its own raincover that fits every attachment it came with, and the pushchair seat whether forward or rear facing! The negative is it is entertaining to figure which end goes where and try to get it sit right, it doesn't necessarily make sense (well to me anyhow) however it is lightweight and you could put it in the basket underneath, although again not a simple fold and if wet you need to be careful not to get yourself wet, but again this is usual for most raincovers, would be nice if they self dried immediately for us to fold and pop away, but this is a design feature for the future I suspect ;)
The giggle has mostly been a delight and as time has crept on we have seen more and more being purchased by fellow mummies (and daddies;)
With it's eye catching design with thick fleecy inserts that are not only attractive but comfortable the giggle has provided a solution to everything.
Infant car seat, carry cot for napping and also for camping trips!! Pushchair with different back positions to accommodate all situations. It had taken many hits and experienced many terrains but it has come out fighting!