Hiya, I'm Michaela, 25, mummy to Thomas, 3, and Charlie 16 month and wife to Simon. I am sometimes known as the Yorkshire Mum and that is my name when blogging. We live in Leeds, West Yorkshire and we love being outside on adventures anywhere and everywhere. Being a stay at home mum means that we can be out doing new things all the time and I love taking photo's so always have my camera handy for those precious moments.
Quick Summary: In all honesty, I love this pram! Not only is it suitable from birth and lays flat but it also has a huge seat unit which is perfect for older toddlers too. The fact that it comes with a head hugger, cosy toes, raincover and a matching changing bag means that it is also value for money as you don't need to buy anything else to go with it. It is very sturdy and you can tell that it has been made with quality and precision and the fact that it is so durable means that it will last for years too.
Whats good?
- Folds up easily using only one hand and goes down small
- Big seat unit meaning that the ride is comfortable and perfect for the growing child
- Bold
- bright design which suits any bubbling personalities
Whats not so good?
- The brake gets very stiff and is quite hard to get off once it's been pushed down
- The basket can become inaccessible when the seat is laid down flat
- Hard to push on rough terrain. The wheels can become stuck and even fall off if the floor is too uneven
Table of contents
- First Impressions
- February 2nd 2013
- February 6th 2013
- February 10th 2013
- February 13th 2013
- February 21st 2013
- February 25th 2013
- March 1st 2013
- March 10th 2013
- March 14th 2013
- March 15th 2013
- March 25th 2013
- March 28th 2013
- April 1st 2013
- April 3rd 2013
- April 7th 2013
- April 12th 2013
- April 15th 2013
- April 20th 2013
- April 23rd 2013
- April 30th 2013
- May 1st 2013
- May 6th 2013
- May 9th 2013
- May 12th 2013
- May 15th 2013
- May 28th 2013
- June 3rd 2013
- June 4th 2013
- June 7th 2013
- June 12th 2013
- June 16th 2013
- June 22nd 2013
- June 25th 2013
- June 29th 2013
- July 1st 2013
- July 3rd 2013
- July 7th 2013
- July 11th 2013
- July 15th 2013
- July 19th 2013
- July 21st 2013
- July 24th 2013
- July 27th 2013
- Final Summary
First Impressions

The immense pleasure of opening the door to a delivery man with a big blue box with the word Cosatto scrawled across it. It’s here I exclaimed! I couldn’t wait to open it and was amazed at how well it was packaged.
Fitting it together was so simple, much to my husbands disappointment as he loves putting things together. The wheels easily clicked into place and the hood was also popped on without a fuss. I had a good play with it making sure to read the instructions as I went along which explained every aspect of setting up the pram step by step.
It is great to see that it comes with every accessory needed, raincover and coordinating footmuff and changing bag meaning as soon as we had it up, we were ready to go and have some great adventures.
February 2nd 2013
As we ventured out for the first time, I realised just how stunning this pram really is. The fact that nearly everyone we passed stared at the pram and when we got to the Nursery gates, even parents asked me about it. I was happy to answer their questions and to show them all it’s extras, the footmuff and matching bag were definitely in favour.
February 6th 2013

The basket really does come in handy when going out to get essentials. The fact that it is so big means that it can carry everything I need without a fuss and its still easily manoeuvrable when heavy products are put in the basket too.
February 10th 2013
Charlie and I went for a walk today. The walk we go on consists of crossing lots of roads. I find that this pram is quite easy to manoeuvre up and down curbs very easily and the fact that it have slightly in turned handles means that you can get a better grip to.
February 13th 2013

As it was snowing today, we decided to take to pram out for a spin to see how it copes. Flicking the switches in the wheels so they were fixed made the pram easier to push and the fact that the raincover is a full sized one means that the pram and Charlie were protected from the elements. The small wheels coped quite well in the snow too which was a surprise meaning we had a fun day out and Charlie kept warm in the pram under the footmuff.
February 16th 2013
Having a day out today at York Railway Museum, it was easy using the Cosatto Yo! on the train as it folds down quite long and thin and doesn’t take up too much room. It is in fact one of the easiest prams to fold down and can all be done one-handed.

Walking around the museum and across the varying floor was a bit bumpy but the pram seem to handle it quite well and the fact that the seat can sit right up instead of slouched meant that Charlie could see all around too and even get a photo next to the biggest train we could find there.
February 21st 2013
We popped to baby group today and straight away had mummies surrounding the pram. I think the big red skull and cross bones stand out and appeal to people to come and have a look. Other mummies commenting on how pretty it is and even giving it a push around to see how it’s handling was. One of them exclaimed that she would have to persuade her partner into letting her get it for her son.
February 25th 2013
As I was suffering with the flu and tonsillitis all week this week, Simon took the boys out to the park so I could get some rest. As Simon is over 6 foot tall he usually finds pram handles very short meaning he has to bend over to push them causing him to have an achy back. With the Cosatto Yo! handles being 100cm high, this is higher than other prams we have used, Simon said it was easy for him to push and did not cause him any discomfort as he wasn’t having to bend over to push it.
March 1st 2013
Deciding to treat the boys to a few new toys today, we set off to town on the bus. I clicked the brakes down with my foot and sat just behind the pram in the spacing provided on the bus. Unfortunately, as the bus braked at the traffic lights, the brake on the pram seems to unlock themselves and the pram started rolling backwards. Luckily I was just behind the pram so could stop it quickly but was still a bit shocked that they came off themselves. I’m not sure whether it was just maybe me not pushing them down enough or whether it was just accidental but I’ll be sure to be aware next time we board a bus.
March 5th 2013

Painful times as Charlie is teething causing him to struggle to sleep meaning we have a very irritable baby and a tired mummy. After over an hour of him crying because he couldn’t sleep I wrapped him up warm and off we went for a walk. I thought if anything it would at least calm him down a bit. low and behold, after 5 minutes in the Cosatto Yo!, he drifted off. I didn’t want to tempt fate and so walked around for over an hour hoping the motion as we were moving would relax him. The seat on the pram lays down flat so Charlie could sleep comfortably in it and even when we got home he stayed asleep and eventually woke up 3 hours later. He really must have needed that sleep. With the very padded footmuff, the pram gets a thumbs up from mummy and Charlie for comfort.
March 10th 2013
We had to go to the big ASDA today as our supply of nappies is fast running out. As we had to get a taxi home, I was getting quite scared that everything wouldn’t fit in the boot and we wouldn’t end up with a mound of shopping on the back seat. I needn’t have worried though as with a bit of wriggling, the pram fit easily against the back of the boot with 2 boxes of nappies and a weeks worth of shopping sat in front of it. The driver was a bit moody and wouldn’t let me take a photo but the car was a Skoda Octavia.
March 14th 2013
The boys needed new clothes and so today we popped to town to do some shopping. Whilst there, we popped to a café for breakfast. Unfortunately, both the highchairs were in use so Charlie had to sit in the pram whilst we ate. He didn’t mind though and I actually think he felt more comfortable sat in the pram munching away on his toast although he did manage to spill beans over the footmuff. A quick clean with a baby wipe and it was gone.
March 15th 2013

After yesterday’s bean incident, I decided it was time to give the footmuff a ride through the washing machine. I’m always a bit sceptical about washing items that are dark and light colours mixed, I imagined pulling out a bluey faded mess when the washing machine had finished but luckily it came out looking as god as new. The footmuff is easily removed and reattached to the pram, not much messing about at all.
March 20th 2013
I love the fact that the YO! Had its own little match pouch for the raincover, it comes in handy as it just gets clipped to the side of the handle and is at arms reach if needed. We’d been out for a walk and as it was quite windy we’d used the raincover. I then realised, how am I supposed to get this quite big raincover back into such a small pouch? After a bit of origami style folding and roll trying to get the raincover a similar size and shape to the pouch it was intended to fit into, it fit, simply and easy without hardly any effort at all. This is great as I now know that I can easily get it out and put it away with no fuss at all.
March 25th 2013
All of us are poorly, we seem to have come down with some sort of illness and so we had a journey to the GP to see what he thought. Our appointment was upstairs and so we had to use the lift to get the pram up. The lift is very short and thin but the slender width of the YO! Meant that it fit in with ease and we were able to get to our appointment to get some antibiotics.
March 28th 2013
Although I still wasn’t feeling too great, Thomas was feeling better and so wanted to go for his last day of Nursery before they break up. It was a stay and play for the last day and Charlie came too. Unfortunately, prams can’t go inside the school as they would take up too much space in the classroom so I had to leave it outside the door. As it started raining whilst we were in the school I put the raincover over the pram and it protected every material bit from getting wet so Charlie had a comfy ride on the way home and wasn’t soggy.
April 1st 2013
It’s Thomas’ first day back at nursery today and with Simon having an interview, it meant that I had to take Charlie with me too to drop Thomas off. The teachers will allow prams in the school whilst dropping children off and so off we went through the door into the classroom. The room was a maze of different toys and cupboards full of educational items. The swivel wheels made for easy movements around the room without banging into anything and we made it to the cloakroom in one piece. Thomas took his coat and bag off and ran off to play. It was nice to be able to take him all the way into nursery for his first day back.
School holidays this week so we took the boys swimming. Our local leisure centre is brand new and has fancy lockers to fit prams in although they aren’t very big so bulky prams would have no chance. The YO! Folds down mega small (long and thin) and fit in very easily whilst we went for a play in the pool.
April 3rd 2013

I do love the size of the basket. It mean when I pop to the supermarket for milk, I can store it in the basket and not have to carry it. Charlie fell to sleep on the walk home so I laid him down to make him comfortable. When we got home I noticed a problem. If the seat is laid flat, the basket is blocked off and I could not get the milk out meaning I had to leave it in the basket till Charlie woke up. I didn’t mind although I guess if it was something more important that I needed from under the pram, that’s when I would have struggled with getting it out trying not to wake Charlie up.
April 7th 2013
We had some news today, I’m pregnant! We are so happy to have been blessed with a third child and so couldn’t wait to get out and about telling everyone. Charlie loves sitting in the YO! Whilst we travel around, I think this may be the most comfortable pram he’s been in. This comfort meant we could get round to tell everyone without having to stop and sort him out every 2 minutes. It was also pointed out to us by my mum that the YO! Would be perfect for a newborn when used laid down flat with the footmuff and head hugger on.
April 12th 2013
I had to go to the GP’s today to speak about the pregnancy and try to find out how far I in fact am. As the rooms aren’t exactly huge, we normally have a struggle getting prams through and into the rooms but the YO! Is easy to navigate around and not very big in size so will fit through most spaces and not block off the whole room which was good.
April 15th 2013
It’s Thomas’ first day back at nursery today and with Simon having an interview, it meant that I had to take Charlie with me too to drop Thomas off. The teachers will allow prams in the school whilst dropping children off and so off we went through the door into the classroom. The room was a maze of different toys and cupboards full of educational items. The swivel wheels made for easy movements around the room without banging into anything and we made it to the cloakroom in one piece. Thomas took his coat and bag off and ran off to play. It was nice to be able to take him all the way into nursery for his first day back.

April 20th 2013
As we currently don’t have a car, I am now walking a lot more places. I really don’t mind as I do like being outdoors. The things I hate are hills. Trying to push a pram up a hill is usually murder as the are big and bulky (or the ones we usually purchase are anyways) but I found the Cosatto Yo! easier to push. Yes I still got tired, although that is more to do with me being unfit, but as the pram isn’t that heavy, it isn’t a chore to push and goes up hills a lot smoother.
April 23rd 2013
I didn’t actually go anywhere with the Cosatto Yo! today. Unfortunately I was in hospital suffering a miscarriage which is a very upsetting time or us but just wanted to update to say that my mum looked after our boys whilst we were gone and said that although she is only 4 foot 11 inches tall, she found the pram easy to push and thought the handles were at the perfect height as she usually finds prams too high for her.
April 30th 2013
Since we are having some nice weather at the moment I though now would be the best time to give the pram a full going over and scrub it. The fact that all 4 wheels come off with ease makes cleaning them even simpler as I can just pop them into the sink to give them a wash. This also, in turn, makes getting into all the difficult hard to reach places,usually behind the wheels, now reachable and able to clean meaning the whole pram can get a thorough clean.
May 1st 2013
Since we had the massive cleaning-fest yesterday, I decided that today we would rewash the footmuff and hang it outside to dry to get some fresh air. I love the fact that it comes out lovely and bright each time it is washed and doesn’t fade a all.

May 6th 2013
A trip out to town today to get the boy some new shoes. The lady behind the counter pointed out how beautiful the pram was, she loved the detail and the pirate theme. It was great to see others checking out the pram.
May 9th 2013

This lovely weather we seem to be getting at the moment has meant that we can now go to the park more often. It’s great to actually be able to get out and go for long walks. Our local park has very bumpy paths but the Cosatto Yo! seemed to cope very well with them although I did have to change to fixed wheels over the cobbled path as the swivels were going mental. Doesn’t the Yo! look beautiful in the sunshine though?
May 12th 2013
Although, this isn’t actually about the pram, I just had to write today about how lovely the chaning bag is. I didn’t use the pram today as it was only me going out but instead of having to dig out my handbags, I chose to use the changing bag which is actually the perfect size for all my things and the handle alters so long that I can put it over my head and wear it across my shoulder.
May 15th 2013
Today we were just waiting to set off to Nursery and Thomas decided that he wanted to have a play in the garden. Although, we were having some lovely warm weather this meant that the bright sun hurt Charlies eyes and so the huge hood was a definite advantage to keeping it away from his little eyes.
May 20th 2013
One of the things I love about the Cosatto yo! is that it is so lightweight that even Thomas can push it, and he does now enjoy pushing Charlie around being just like mummy.

Going on walks can take a while longer than normal though as Thomas seems to like to push it all the time, even when we're in a rush and goes very slow whilst doing it.
With the hood being quite low, it makes it easy for Thomas to see over whilst he is pushing and so knows where he is going.
May 23rd 2013
Now the sunny weather has come out, we've decided to put the cosytoes away and go naked, well the pram that is. It is so weird as the pram looks so different without the continuous skulled pattern which is on the cosytoes. I thought that since we shouldn't really be needing it now as it shoudln't really get that cold, I have packed a blanket in the basket just in case it does get a little chilly.
May 28th 2013
Sometimes, when I need to rush out to the shops and don't have much time. I forget to get the bag sorted, put it onto the pram, make sure we have everything etc and so decided that I would just take the essentials and put them in the hood instead. When folded in, the hood leaves a deep pocket between it, an ideal place to store necessities. I use this now to hide my purse when going out to the shop and/or little extras that we may need, a drink for Charlie for instance.
June 3rd 2013
The pram does seem to manage very well on uneven surfaces. Our local park is very hobledy and consists of not only grass and concrete but cobbles and missing paving slabs too. Although it does mean a lot of dodging the potholes, I find that the Cosatto Yo! handles very well between all the surfaces, yes it was a little bouncy over the cobbles but I guess you'd expect that.
June 4th 2013
This is nothing much really to do with the Cosatto Yo! but the bag instead. I love it. Many times I have used it even if I'm not using the pram. The style, the skulls design, the stripes and the pop of colour in the red handle just stand out and I love it.
I actually had one lovely lady ask me where I'd bought the bag from, she was shocked when I explained that it came with my pram and was in fact a changing bag.
June 7th 2013
Even after all these months of use, the Cosatto Yo! still looks brand new. I was apprehensive when getting the pram as it has white stripes and I assumed that after a few uses, it would be stained and mucky but n. The marks just seem to wash off easily whilstout a fuss and the colours still look as bright as they did the day I opened the box.
June 12th 2013

For a few days this week we got to use a car. My dad added me to his insurance so I could see the prices and what we could afford in the future and so I got to use his car to go shopping. Luckily, he has a Mondeo which has a huge boot so we could fit the pram in and all of our shopping easily. Not that it would have really mattered as the Cosatto Yo! folds down small so would fit into even the smallest of boots. We managed to get, not only the pram, but a months worth of freezer food plus a couple of boxes of nappies.
June 16th 2013
This is a photo of the Cosatto Yo! on a bus. I wanted to show how easily it fits into the pram spaces but as you may notice, the reason this photo isn't great quality, a bit blurry, is because as I went to take the photo, the bus started moving and the brake came off the pram sending it rolling backwards. I managed to click the camera to take the photo and then stop the pram and get the brake back on.
The pram seems to have a really weird brake. It doesn't just work as normal, it's either on a little bit but too much jerky movement will knock it off or it's on too hard and I cannot get the brake back off meaning I end up having to bend down and pulling it off with my hands to get enough force to get it off. Maybe it's just a fault in my pram though as I've never heard of this happening before.
June 22nd 2013

Today we had fun at Alton Towers. It is a huge place and involved a lot of walking. Luckily, we took the Yo! with us so Charlie could be pushed round, it also helped with carrying all the essentials such as spare clothing and snacks as the basket is a good size. Riding the cable car was super easy too as the Yo! fitted straight on without having to be put down and Charlie could peek out of the sides to have a look out of the windows at the beautiful view.
June 25th 2013
I love the fact that the Yo! has swivel wheels. They make for easy manoeuvrability whilst out and about. But I also love that the wheels can be changed to fixed wheels as well. This is great for when we are walking over cobbled floors or uneven surfaces such as our local park and means that the wheels wont get damaged.
June 29th 2013

We try to get out to the park as much as possible. Even if it's just for a walk around the skate park instead of going to the play area, it's just nice to be out of the house. We even took the Yo! For a play around the skate park and it managed to work its way around every obstacle with ease.
July 1st 2013
Popping out to the shops to get a few things is super easy when using the Yo! The huge basket means that I can store all the bits under there and don't have to scramble about trying to carry the bags whilst pushing the pram.
July 3rd 2013

Although I wasn't planning on using the Yo! today, we did in fact use it. Staying in the garden on this beautiful day to have a barbecue, Charlie was feeling tired but refusing to go inside to go to sleep. Instead, I opted to bring the pram outside and sit him it in. Low and behold, he fell to sleep within a few minutes. The only problem I have with Charlie sleeping in the Yo! Is that the leg rest isn't adjustable so he just have to lay with his legs dangling which does make him a little uncomfortable sometimes.
July 7th 2013
One of the things I like about the Yo! Is that the handles are quite big so I can get a really good grip on them. They are cushioned too so are comfy to hold and because of the way they are positioned, they make it easy when tilting the pram to go up and down curbs.
July 11th 2013
Going on walks is so much fun when you're out with children. Everything becomes a game.
We take the pram with us because Charlie is still little and gets tired quickly but today it was Thomas that needed a rest. Whilst Charlie went for a run around the field, Thomas had a rest in the Yo! And to my amazement, he actually fit into it. Not bad to say that it's made for babies and he is 4 year old, but I have to admit that the seat unit is quite wide so will fit children in it quite easily.
July 15th 2013

Thomas has been a bit poorly today and so we stayed and had a cleaning day instead. Decided to wash all the materials on the pram again and am still amazed that none of the colours have faded or started to run.
Every time it has been washed, it comes out bright and gleaming with all the marks gone, even the dried in food stains come off.
July 19th 2013
With Thomas feeling under the weather, I had to go shopping on my own today. I ventured out with Charlie in the pram and off we toddled. Luckily for me, the Yo! Is easy to push with one hand meaning I could hold a shopping basket in my other hand without the pram making a run for it into another direction.
July 21st 2013
Taking Charlie out for a bit of fresh air and a walk around, it started raining out of nowhere. There was no dark clouds in the sky and it kind of just started out of the blue. Luckily for us, the raincover is easy to get hold of from it's little pouch which is attached to the side of the pram. I had it out of the pouch and fully fastened on within a minute so Charlie didn't get too wet. I really love this feature!
July 24th 2013

After being ill for a further few days, today Thomas woke with a huge rash of spots covering his body. Everywhere including on his feet which meant that he couldn't walk to the doctors.
Luckily, as we had tried before, Thomas fits into the Yo! And so I had to push him across in the pram to go and see the GP. He was then diagnosed with Chicken Pox so that means a lot of rest for my poorly little boy.
July 27th 2013
Today I thought I would talk you through the back of the pram. The little lever in the middle is the thing that is used to lay the pram seat flat and put it back up. To lay the pram down you simply press the lever down to open it and then pull the seat down to as far as your child likes and then press the lever back up to secure it. When sitting the pram back up, you pull the lever down to open and then pull the two pieces of material that are coming out of the top. Keep pulling until the seat is fully back up and then press the lever down to secure once again. Always make sure the lever is secured shut to stop any accidents.
Final Summary
I really don't know where this 6 month has gone. It seems like I have only been testing out the Yo! for a few weeks not months.
In all honesty, I love this pram! Not only is it suitable from birth and lays flat but it also has a huge seat unit which is perfect for older toddlers too.
The fact that it comes with a head hugger, cosy toes, raincover and a matching changing bag means that it is also value for money as you don't need to buy anything else to go with it.
It is very sturdy and you can tell that it has been made with quality and precision and the fact that it is so durable means that it will last for years too.