The Zapp X Collection has stirred up a real buzz. With three models in the collection, the Xpress is the lightest of them all. Quinny have designed the Zapp Xpress specifically with toddlers and parents of toddlers in mind. Let's see what we found out about this brand new hot-to-trot stroller.
Quick Summary: Quinny describe the Zapp Xpress as ‘the swift way' - it is certainly that. It's simple by the nature of its functions but effective and fuss-free to use. Perfect for families living busy lives with toddlers and young children who require a stroller for occasional use or travelling. It does everything you need a stroller to do and it does it whilst looking stylish and eye-catching too.
Whats good?
- Smooth drive
- Really compact fold
- Extremely light
Whats not so good?
- Low handlebars
- Zip recline only goes to a slight resting position

The smallest of the Zapp X collection, the Xpress arrives in a lovely small box. What’s even better is that it is very nearly ready to roll straight from the box. All that is needed is to pop on the front wheel and away you roll. It takes a matter of seconds and really sets the standard for how convenient this stroller is going to be. The featherweight frame is sleek but very strong and it retains that heritage Zapp shape that parents have loved for many years.
The handlebars are similar to the Zapp handles that we know and love. They are comfortable to hold and fit into the palm of your hand neatly. The tallest of drivers will probably find these handles on the low side, but at 5’6″ our tester found them just right. The wheels on the Zapp Xpress are what Quinny class as ‘medium’ wheels. The chassis is set on three of these nippy little wheels which mean that the pushchair turns on a sixpence and weaving through shopping malls and in and out of gangways on public transport is really easy. The wheels are really hard wearing and have obviously been designed to withstand a lifetime’s worth of strolling (covered by the lifetime guarantee that Quinny offers!).

The brake on the Zapp Xpress is just the same as the other two models in the Zapp X collection. That’s because the three different models are each mounted on the same strong but light chassis. The brake is a push button brake system operated by foot. There are two brake buttons (cleverly colour coded), one on either side of the rear wheel chassis. The button next to the left wheel is grey, which you press to release the brake. The button next to the right wheel is red, which you press to engage the brake. This can be slightly confusing to start with but we soon got to grips with the pedals after using the pushchair a few times.
The basket on the Zapp Xpress is a solid sided basket made from hard wearing and thick material (which matches the colour of your seat unit). The solid basket is strong and is held in place by 4 strong hooks, a super strong Velcro strap and two popper loops. You can’t quite fit a bag in the basket as its surface area is too small, but you can fit a few odd bits in there such as bottles and coats.

The seat unit on the Xpress is suitable from 6 months old to 15kg (around 3.5 years old). It’s a fixed position, forward facing only, sling like fabric seat which is slid onto the frame to keep it in place. This seat is totally different to the flex seat that we see on the other two models in the Zapp X collection. The Xpress stroller can still be used from birth with the optional extras of the Lux Carrycot or a Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus car seat if you purchase the adapters. To do this, you need to slide and un-pop the seat fabrics form the frame completely. This was the simple part – getting them back on was a bit more of a fiddle! Bearing in mind this isn’t something you will have to do on a regular basis, we didn’t see it as too much of a problem.

The sling like fabrics are ultra thin and reminded us of a lightweight running jacket style of material. The thin nature of the seat fabrics means the fold is really compact but we would recommend purchasing one of the lovely additional Zapp X liners, just to give the seat that extra bit of comfy padding for your little passenger. The seat harness is a five point harness and can be altered in size by using the sliders on the waist straps. You can also alter the harness by height as your child grows by threading the harness through the height slots on the back of the seat unit.
Another unique feature of the Xpress is the seat recline. I use the term recline loosely, as actually the seat is fixed into position, but there is the option of using the zips to create a very slight recline so that your toddler / young child can rest their weary eyes. This option is fab, however our 2 year old tester still likes two naps per day and a seat with a more noticeable recline would have been preferred. If you have a toddler who doesn’t nap or only takes 10 minutes here and there, then this probably won’t be something you will notice. The hood is made from the same thin and sporty material as the seat fabrics are. They are light, airy and breathable but still have a UPF50+ rating. The hood is not extendable but it gives ample coverage from the elements.
If you plan to use the Xpress from birth then you will need to remove the fabrics and use the chassis along with the Lux Carrycot. Or, you could purchase car seat adapters and use your Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus car seat to use the Zapp Xpress as a travel system. To remove the fabrics from the frame, you just need to slide them out of position and clip on the Lux Carrycot. The carrycot is an additional extra, but if you want to use the Xpress from birth then it will be worth its weight in gold! It weighs just 3kg, so you don’t even notice that you are carrying it around when it comes to transporting it on and off the pushchair.
The Zapp Xpress is nippy to drive and handle. Its three wheels are small in diameter but have plenty of hard wearing rubber surrounding them to give parents maximum use out of the stroller. The three-wheeled design means that the stroller feels light to push and it was very easy to weave in and out of small spaces without having to worry about bumping into things. Some stroller can be rickety, but the Zapp Xpress has a quality push when you are stood behind it and there is no rattle or shake from the stroller at all when you are pushing it along.

The chances are, if you are buying the Zapp Xpress, then your little one will be a toddler who is quite independent on their feet. The Xpress folds so neatly, that it is perfect for keeping in the corner of the boot of the car so it is ready and waiting for whenever you might need it. We loved ‘re-claiming’ our car boot back and how the Zapp Xpress did not take up very much space at all, leaving plenty of room for shopping and even holiday luggage. There are two steps to the fold the pushchair. To fold: Step 1: Use the levers on either side of the chassis and flick them upwards. This releases the handlebars which then folds in half, forwards towards the floor. Step 2: Push the foot plate at the centre of the chassis (underneath the grey button) and the chassis will start to fold. Use your hands to squeeze the chassis together and it locks in place into a tiny package.
To unlock, push in the grey circular button (labelled with a number 1) as this is the lock button which locks and releases the chassis lock on the stroller. Pull the circular section back into place and then use the side levers to unfold the handlebars and seat units. It’s really a rather simple fold once you’ve got the hang of it but clever too!
Our verdict
Quinny describe the Zapp Xpress as ‘the swift way’ – it is certainly that. It’s simple by the nature of its functions but effective and fuss-free to use. Perfect for families living busy lives with toddlers and young children who require a stroller for occasional use or travelling. It does everything you need a stroller to do and it does it whilst looking stylish and eye catching too. Even though the handlebars may be on the low side and there is very little in terms of a recline on the seat, we were bowled over at just how easy the Zapp Xpress was to use and how it slotted perfectly into our hectic lifestyle with a 2 year old toddler perfectly. It’s great that you have the option to use the stroller from birth, though we imagine that most parents will buy the Xpress for older toddlers/ younger children.