Tippitoes have been a nursery brand that have been established for many years but have only recently become a more recognisable name. Now stocked by over 250 retailers across the UK, their extensive range covers everything from pushchairs to playmats. We have their EZE stroller in for review.
Quick Summary: Although it has it's negative points, there is no doubt the Tippitoes EZE is a great value-for-money pushchair, you get a lot of pushchair-to-your-pound especially when you directly compare it to other strollers pitched at a similar price.
Whats good?
- Footmuff included
- Handy pockets in canopy
- Amazing price
Whats not so good?
- Bumpy ride on small plastic wheels
- Strap recline

As your child is growing you try to regain a little normality by discarding some of the clobber that you carry around on a daily basis. Downsize to a smaller changing bag and a lighter pushchair and suddenly it doesn’t feel like you are dragging the kitchen sink with you. To me, a stroller is a pushchair that you use from around nine months to a year when you simply cannot be bothered to lug your uber-expensive travel system around anymore, much to the annoyance of your parents, who forked out a fortune only a year ago!To some, a stroller is a second pushchair that you keep at Grandma’s house, leave with the childminder or throw in your boot for ‘in town’ trips or emergenciesTo others, a stroller can be the only affordable option so needs to be the best they can get on a budget.The EZE stroller from Tippitoes can fill all of the above criteria.
The ergonomic foam handles are non-adjustable but would suit most heights as they reach 106cm. Working our way down the pushchair, the canopy has a peephole in the top to enable you to keep a watchful eye over your passenger. It also has a zip pocket in the back, large enough to take a nappy and a slim pack of wipes. A net on the outside of this pocket is ideal for convenient access to your mobile or purse.The canopy is average in size and velcros onto the body of the pushchair to enclose the seat and eliminate drafts. It is held rigid by two brackets on each side.

The recline on the chair is controlled by a strap and slider mechanism on the back – not the best or easiest method of angling your child especially when sitting them up again, it’s much harder to achieve when there is a weight against the backrest. The five-point harness is standard.The armrests are quite high which contributes to sheltering your child against the elements. The plugs in the ends can be removed to insert the bumper bar, which initially seems peculiarly flexible but this is to allow the pushchair to fold even with it in place.The calf rest is adjustable over 180 degrees in four positions and like those found on most strollers, a malleable, thick plastic band makes up the footplate.The basket is not huge and if the seat is reclined you can’t fit much more than a couple of magazines or your rain cover for emergencies.The double sets of 15cm hard plastic wheels on both the front and back provide a stable journey. The suspension goes some way to making the ride a little more comfortable. The front wheels are lockable for going over uneven terrain but this wouldn’t really cope with much more than a gritty path, it’s meant for flush, flat, urban walkways. The brake is applied via the foot pedals over the back wheels, it’s easy to engage and release but sometimes needs a stamp of both pedals to be sure it is locked both left and right.

Folding an umbrella fold stroller is predominantly the same, regardless of the manufacturer. Firstly, make sure you unload your basket and collapse the canopy, the umbrella fold allows no room for ‘baggage’. Break the tension across the back of the chair by releasing the lock upwards, in this case, it’s a black knob located between the two back wheels, then push down on the secondary lock on the right of the frame. Both of these manoeuvres can be executed with your foot – so no bending is necessary.When all the tension has been released, the handles fold forwards and the chair contracts vertically and horizontally until the latch on the side finds the peg that keeps it firmly closed.To open, release the closure latch and pull up the handles. Treading down on the black knob in between the back wheels, re-tensions the chair and it is ready to go!
The footmuff comes in a handy net back and when installed looks super snug, I could see a baby being extremely cosy in this. The wings at the top provide that extra little bit of insulation around the head. A zip around the edge allows the cover to be removed to leave a fleecy liner in the chair. However, it isn’t very large and I couldn’t see it accommodating a child much past the age of six months.The rain cover poppers onto the canopy and velcros near the footplate. It is compact enough to carry around but also gives ample coverage to your passenger if needed.
For under £90, the Tippitoes EZE represents fantastic value for money. With important accessories such as the rain cover and the footmuff included in the price, plus the fact that it can be used from birth, the EZE is within everyone’s reach as a first or second pushchair.The EZE is lightweight and folds easily. The high armrests and the enclosure of the fabric in the chair offer ample protection for a newborn although the ride might be a little hard due to the small plastic wheels. If used in the right environment i.e smooth seamless paths, your passenger will be comfortable, if not, they will feel every bump of rougher terrain.I don’t like the method of reclining – it’s fiddly and unsophisticated and difficult to perform with the weight of a child against the backrest.The canopy is large enough and I love the added pockets – they are in just the right place for all the things you need ‘at hand’.Although it has it’s negative points, there is no doubt the Tippitoes EZE is a great value-for-money pushchair, you get a lot of pushchair-to-your-pound especially when you directly compare it to other strollers pitched at a similar price.